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"There are places where no sailor goes,
        or ever comes back from"....~ A lost soul

                                                                                                    The book of reclimation



Able to use blueprints to make advanced tools, plate armor and melee weapons.

May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

1 Class Point


Able to use blueprints to make all advanced thatch, wood and stone land based structures.

May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

1 Class Point


Able to use blueprints to make all advanced ship pieces. (May not craft advanced sails or wooden building structures -floors, walls etc).

May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

2 Class Points


Able to use blueprints to make all advanced sails hide, cloth and fur clothing.

May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

1 Class Point


The ONLY class able to unlock the doctor tree and craft its items or use its skillset. Exclusive access to any potions or cooked remedies.


May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

1 Class Point


The ONLY class able to unlock the cooking/farming tree and craft its contents. Class items may be sold as decoration and basic (cooked meats) use.


May keep 8 animals and 1 shoulder pet but 4 of these MUST be farm animals used for cooking related resources (cows, chickens). May tame and breed cows, chickens, sheep, rabbits and pigs.



Able to use blueprints to make advanced saddles and tools specific to their trade. MUST have a tamer present to catch animals at any level.

May keep 15 animals for breeding and Sale +1 shoulder pet. At no time shall ADULT animal numbers exceed 15. Babies may be kept untill mature without counting towards limit.

2 Class Points


Able to use blueprints to make advanced firearms and crossbows. Only class able to modify and upgrade firearms.

Able to use blueprints to make advanced cannon types/Ballista/etc.

May keep 4 animals and 1 shoulder pet.

2 Class Points

General Crafting and skills

All items with the exception of cooked items and Doctor Items may be crafted at a COMMON tier.

Blueprints are restricted to being used by their related craftsmen.

Over Eating perk may be used by anyone.

Doctors have exclusive rights to all healing perks.


Please keep this in mind while leveling up your character. You will not be able to respec and no exceptions will be made at this time.
While you may be able to spec into any basic class item outside of doctor, and cook/farmer, note that your desired profession
may take the majority of the points open to you in the long run. Be concious of your needed end game skill tree.

1 Class Point
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